As I discussed in this post, 1.7 seems to be not far away.
One of the big features is the skill re-spec where you can completely redistribute all your skill points.
Now the tough question is where to specialise in, especially considering that Coaching/Scouting Reports are coming in, and replacing Judging Potential.
I've decided to attach imagesto show how long it takes to learn some of the important skills. Click on the images to enlarge them.
6 Youth Academies:
Hopefully you will be able to look at those screenshots and have a rough idea of what you can afford, and what you can't.
Don't forget that you can only specialise in two fields. For any skill-set you are not specialised in, any skill of 4 or higher takes 5 times as many points to learn.
I joined Nunez on the 18th July 2010 during the first season and I have around 9,500,000 skill points.
I am really keen to get Judging Potential Progression Level 5 so I will get that and as high in Academy Expansion as possible. Anything left over will go toward Coaching :)
Here is some info about the new skills coming in 1.7:
Player Report Suitability - Each level of this skill grants an increase in the accuracy of the Roles component of a player report whenever a Scouting report is undertaken.
Level 1 : 2.50% Boost
Level 2 : 5.00% Boost
Level 3 : 7.50% Boost
Level 4 : 12.50% Boost
Level 5 : 25.00% Boost
Coaching Report Efficiency - Learning this skill will grant a 10 % reduction the amount of time it takes to compile or refresh a coaching report.
Injury Analysis - Improves the accuracy of identifying the amount of games your player will be out injured for.
Level 1 : 10.00% Boost
Level 2 : 20.00% Boost
Level 3 : 30.00% Boost
Level 4 : 50.00% Boost
Level 5 : 100.00% Boost
Injury Proneness - Each level of this skill grants an increase in the accuracy of the Injury Proneness component of a player report.
Level 1 : 5.00% Boost
Level 2 : 10.00% Boost
Level 3 : 15.00% Boost
Level 4 : 25.00% Boost
Level 5 : 50.00% Boost
Judging Potential Progression - Each level of this skill grants an increase in the accuracy of the potential component of a player report. From 75% accurate.
Level 1 : 2.50% Boost
Level 2 : 5.00% Boost
Level 3 : 7.50% Boost
Level 4 : 12.50% Boost
Level 5 : 25.00% Boost
Judging Relative Ability - Each level of this skill grants an increase in the accuracy of the ability component of a player report. From 75% accurate.
Level 1 : 2.50% Boost
Level 2 : 5.00% Boost
Level 3 : 7.50% Boost
Level 4 : 12.50% Boost
Level 5 : 25.00% Boost
Scouting Report Efficiency - Learning this skill will grant a 10 % reduction the amount of time it takes to compile or refresh a scouting report.
Interested Clubs - Increases the accuracy of the interested clubs component of a player report. From 50% accurate.
Level 1 : 5.00% Adjustment
Level 2 : 10.00% Adjustment
Level 3 : 15.00% Adjustment
Level 4 : 25.00% Adjustment
Level 5 : 50.00% Adjustment
Reputation Impact - Increases the accuracy of the reputation impact component of a player report. From 50% accurate.
Level 1 : 5.00% Adjustment
Level 2 : 10.00% Adjustment
Level 3 : 15.00% Adjustment
Level 4 : 25.00% Adjustment
Level 5 : 50.00% Adjustment
Personality - Each level of this skill grants an increase in the accuracy of the Personality component of a player report.
Level 1 : 2.50% Boost
Level 2 : 5.00% Boost
Level 3 : 7.50% Boost
Level 4 : 12.50% Boost
Level 5 : 25.00% Boost
Also please consider that due to these features still being in the beta stage, there is a slim chance that they may not be making it to live or may be changed.