Saturday, 19 March 2011

Running Two FML Clients on Windows 7

1. Locate the appdata folder.

Click the start menu and type %appdata% into the search box.

2. Find the fml_live_v1 folder inside appdata.

From appdata you should go into these folders: 

C:\Users\Tom\AppData\Roaming\Sports Interactive\Football Manager Live\fml_live_v1\add_ons\client\app_6205

Your actual username will replace "Tom".

3. Make a copy of fml_live_v1.

You should see the folder "fml_live_v1" - copy it to the same folder "Football Manager Live" and rename the copy "fml_live_v2" or whatever you would like to name it.

4. Locate fml.exe in each folder.

Go to: Example: C:\Users\Tom\AppData\Roaming\Sports Interactive\Football Manager Live\fml_live_v1\add_ons\client\app_6017

Inside you should see fml.exe

5. Create shortcut.

For each "fml.exe", right click on them and select "Pin To Taskbar" or make them a shortcut however you like.

Vista is similar - good luck and let me know if you have any problems ;)


  1. Great blog Tom! Very informative! Keep up the good work

  2. Thanks anon :)
    But, who are you!? :D
